Home » Outcomes of the 12th EU-Cambodia Joint Committee Meeting Reviewed in Inter-Ministerial Session

Outcomes of the 12th EU-Cambodia Joint Committee Meeting Reviewed in Inter-Ministerial Session

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On June 11, 2024, a significant session took place under the chairmanship of His Excellency MEAS Kim Heng, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. This assembly was conducted to meticulously examine the results of the 12th Cambodia-EU Joint Committee Meeting. The review session was notable for its comprehensive participation, with representatives from 20 different line ministries/institutions contributing to a discussion set to shape the future trajectory of Cambodia-EU relations.

The session was structured to provide detailed updates on the progress achieved in various areas of cooperation between Cambodia and the European Union. Specifically, chairs from three critical sub-groups presented their progress reports. These sub-groups focused on pivotal areas such as Trade and Investment; Institutional Building, Administrative Reform, Legal Reform and Justice, Governance, and Human Rights; and Cooperation Development, illustrating the multifaceted nature of the Cambodia-EU partnership.

Underpinning the discussions was a collective acknowledgment of the advantageous outcomes derived from the 12th EU-Cambodia Joint Committee Meeting. His Excellency MEAS Kim Heng, in his capacity as the session’s chair, extended his appreciation towards the contributions of the various ministries and institutions involved. He highlighted their pivotal role in fostering a relationship with the EU characterised by mutual responsibility and increasing collaboration.

The review session underscored the achievements and advancements facilitated by the Joint Committee Meeting, acknowledging the key areas of progress within the respective sub-groups. It also served as a strategic platform for setting a forward-looking agenda, aimed at enhancing and deepening the scope of Cambodia-EU cooperation across a broad spectrum of sectors.

In essence, the insights gained from this review session are poised to guide the strategic direction of Cambodia-EU relations, ensuring that future engagements are marked by continued collaboration and aligned with mutual development goals. The session thereby concluded with a renewed commitment to leveraging the successes of the Joint Committee Meeting, propelling Cambodia and the European Union towards a dynamic and fruitful partnership.

Source: MFAIC

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