The #ONESTEPNOPLASTIC campaign was initiated in July 2022 by All Dreams Cambodia & Tos Yerng, in order to combat plastic pollution in Cambodia and promote it as a sustainable and attractive tourism destination.
All Dreams Cambodia is willing to mobilize all stakeholders of the tourism industry so that together, we can make our beloved country a top destination and a decent place to live for all.

Foster tourism recovery
Improve attractiveness of Cambodian tourism destinations and experiences businesses
Contribute to the wellbeing of local residents
Raise awareness and promote responsible behavior through the song “Re-Five” by Tos Yerng to emphasize on one small step to reduce plastic waste.
The Campaign was started on 31 July 2022 also celebrated the #plastifreejuly campaign and the World Change World Cleanup Day.

The first campaign had 55 participants, including volunteers, media experts, and representatives of partner groups at Kep Beach. 1200 kg of plastic garbage total, including 12 kg of recyclable plastic waste, were collected; the Ministry of the Environment and Eco-Bricks will handle this.
In Siem Reap, the #ONESTEPNOPLASTIC Campaign 2022 will take place on August 27.

One Step No Plastic is a movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution—so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of this great initiative by choosing to refuse single-use plastics and joining hands with the organisers?
One Step No Plastic” campaign
Saturday, August 27th, 2022
What to bring:
Please prepare suitable shoes, hat, umbrella sunscreen lotion, refilled water bottle (No plastic
bottle is allowed)
What to All Dreams provides: gloves, trash picker, T-shirt, eco-bags.
07:15 Venue of participants at Phare meeting point, the Cambodia circus:
Each participants can take gloves, , OneStepNoPlastic T-shirt and of course reusable
water bottles to refill water before the event.
07:30 Brief speech hosted by Mr Jacques Guichandut, Managing Director of All Dreams
Cambodia and Ms Thorng Honging and Ms Virak Monika, 2 artists of Tos Yerng group
before departure to different places:
Group 1 – Phnom Krom
Group 2 – Angkor Kjung Yu
Group 3 – Phare to Sok San road
08:00 Departure from Phare to each assigned destinations by own transportation arrangement.
08:00-10:30 OneStepNoPlastic campaign starts in 3 different places at the same time.
10:30 End of collection campaign, all participants must bring all waste collection bags to Phare
meeting point in order to weigh them altogether and to take photos with all participants.
Each group has to put the waste collected in different places.
11:30 Announcement of total weight of each group to get the winner and last speech for the
special thanks to all participants by Mr Jacques Guichandut and Ms Thorng Honging and
Ms Virak Monika, in order to close the campaign.
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Join game group which will arranged by Tos Yerng
15:00 Finish the game.
Transfer 3 trash bins to the Department of Environment in Siem Reap
Contact Details,
Mrs. Pirun Heang
Sustainability Coordinator, All Dreams Cambodia