Home » Cambodia’s Strategic Presence at UNCTAD’s 60th Anniversary: H.E. Prof. Dr. SOK Siphana Leads the Way

Cambodia’s Strategic Presence at UNCTAD’s 60th Anniversary: H.E. Prof. Dr. SOK Siphana Leads the Way

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The Kingdom of Cambodia marked a significant milestone in its international engagement by participating in the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). H.E. Prof. Bundit Sapheacha Dr. SOK Siphana, Senior Minister in charge of Special Missions and Chairman of the Trade Policy Advisory Board, led a distinguished Cambodian delegation at this global event, held from June 10-14, 2024, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Themed “Charting a New Development Course in a Changing World,” the forum provided a platform for global leaders to address pressing economic challenges and explore innovative solutions.

Dr. SOK Siphana’s leadership in this prestigious forum underscored Cambodia’s proactive approach to contributing to global economic discourse. The event featured participation from six heads of state and government, 28 ministers of trade and foreign affairs, and leaders from various international organizations, including H.E. António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, and H.E. Rebecca Grynspan, Secretary General of UNCTAD.

Keynote Speech: Strategies for Future Economies

On June 13, 2024, Dr. SOK Siphana delivered an impactful Spotlight Intervention titled “Preparing for the Economies of Tomorrow – The Urgency of Options and Actions.” He highlighted the importance of multilateralism in addressing global challenges and capitalizing on new economic opportunities. Drawing on Cambodia’s remarkable transformation from a post-genocide nation to one nearing graduation from the Least Developed Country (LDC) status, Dr. SOK Siphana shared valuable insights on economic reforms and regional trade agreements that have strengthened economic resilience.

Dr. SOK Siphana emphasized the need for greater intra-sectoral diversification and robust policy reforms to attract high-value foreign direct investments (FDIs). His vision for the future includes increasing productivity through infrastructure development, renewable energy initiatives, technological exchanges, and the integration of digital economy and artificial intelligence (AI). He also stressed the importance of innovative trade policies that align economic growth with sustainability, particularly in light of the environmental challenges posed by climate change.

Celebrating Achievements and Building Global Partnerships

Cambodia, as President of the Group of 77 and China, Geneva Chapter, this year, Dr. SOK Siphana participated in commemorating the group’s 60th Anniversary. The Group of 77 and China has been instrumental in advocating for the collective economic interests of the Global South, promoting multilateralism, and fostering international cooperation.

High-Level Dialogues and Bilateral Meetings

On the sidelines of the conference, Dr. SOK Siphana engaged in numerous high-level meetings with representatives of international organizations and ministers. These included discussions with Mr. Joo-Ok Lee of the World Economic Forum, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Ms. Rebecca Grynspan of UNCTAD, and other prominent leaders. These interactions focused on enhancing Cambodia’s political, economic, and trade relations, exploring investment opportunities, and reinforcing commercial partnerships.

Vision for Sustainable Growth

Dr. SOK Siphana’s participation at UNCTAD’s Global Leaders Forum highlighted Cambodia’s commitment to economic diversification and structural transformation. His advocacy for sustainable and inclusive development, combined with strategic international collaborations, positions Cambodia as a key player in the global economic landscape. By fostering productive capacities and promoting innovative trade policies, Dr. SOK Siphana envisions a future where all nations can thrive.

Cambodia’s active role in UNCTAD’s 60th Anniversary Global Leaders Forum, under the leadership of H.E. Prof. Dr. SOK Siphana, represents a significant step in the nation’s journey towards sustainable economic development and international cooperation. Through strategic policy advocacy and meaningful international engagements, Cambodia continues to set a course for a prosperous and sustainable future, inspiring other nations with its resilient and forward-thinking approach to development.

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