Home » Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet Initiates $400 Million Irrigation System Along Prek Tnaot River

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet Initiates $400 Million Irrigation System Along Prek Tnaot River

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In a strategic move to combat flooding and improve water resource management, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet has officially inaugurated a comprehensive irrigation system project, valued at approximately $400 million, dedicated to the Prek Tnaot River, flowing from the Aural Mountains. This extensive initiative, covering a span of 260 kilometers, is set to enhance the flood resilience of Phnom Penh and its neighboring regions.

The announcement came on the morning of June 14, as the Prime Minister inspected the ongoing advancements in the irrigation project. Prime Minister Hun Manet articulated the significance of this project, labeling it a priority investment which eclipses the nation’s expenditures on road infrastructure due to its critical necessity. He elaborated on the satisfactory progress the project has made in just half a year, achieved at an impressive pace.

The project’s ambition is to significantly ameliorate the water drainage capacity of Phnom Penh by expanding the sewer systems and erecting a substantial canal to facilitate the flow of water from the Aural Mountains through the Prek Tnaot River. The blueprint for this initiative includes the construction of 10 canals, cumulatively extending over 260 kilometers, thereby exceeding the length of the previously noted Funan Techo canal by 80 kilometers.

On this occasion, Prime Minister Hun Manet emphasized the canal’s role in forestalling flooding within Phnom Penh and safeguarding over 300,000 hectares of diverse land – ranging from agricultural and residential to industrial zones. Moreover, this irrigation conduit is expected to guarantee a consistent water supply during the rainy season for thousands of hectares dedicated to crop cultivation.

The urban and surrounding lands of Phnom Penh, particularly Khan Dangkor and stretches of Kandal and Kampong Speu provinces, have historically grappled with severe flooding challenges, exacerbated by runoffs from the Aural and Cardamom Mountains coupled with rampant urban development. To mitigate the resultant adversities faced by residents and economic sectors, the government has pledged significant investments towards the development of this expansive irrigation network designed to manage and divert floodwaters effectively.

Currently, the project encapsulates nine pivotal ventures designed to alleviate flooding:

  • Stung Toch Project: Facilitates the diversion of water from Stung Prek Tnaot to Tonle Bati, encompassing a 51-kilometer canal and a compact dam within Samraong Tong district in Kampong Speu province.
  • Stung Krom Tonle Bati Project: Redirects water flow from Tonle Bati towards Boeung Cheung Long, near the new airport, extending about 7 kilometers.
  • Cheung Eang Canal System: Features a combination of five canals and two pumping stations catering to the southwestern segment of Phnom Penh, spanning 26.5 kilometers.
  • Canal 96: Aerates water surrounding the new airport area, linking multiple canals and facilitating comprehensive floodwater management.
  • Prek Kong Project: Aims at managing water flow beneath the new airport, ensuring efficient water redirection towards Vietnam, covering a total length of 20 kilometers.
  • Prek Peam Satha and Boeung Ta Mok Canals: These channels convey water to Tonle Sap at the Peam Satha bridge, aiding in the collection and transportation of water across various regions.
  • Roleang Chrey-Slaku Canal Project: Partially diverts water from Stung Prek Tnaot to curb flooding, benefiting National Road 3 to Stung Slaku and supporting irrigation over 7,500 hectares.
  • Canals 59 and 90: These canals play a crucial role in water release from key areas, including the vicinity of the new airport and parts along National Road 2.
  • O Khsach Project: Connects Chrey River to Ta Mok Lake, strategically diverting water to alleviate flooding issues along National Road 4 and associated floodplains.

This ambitious and far-reaching project under Prime Minister Hun Manet’s guidance is expected to leave a profound impact on the region’s water management efficacy and flood resilience, presenting a forward-looking solution to a perennial challenge.

Source: Fresh News

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