Home » His Excellency KUNG Phoak Sheds Light on Cambodia’s Foreign Policy at Media Interface Forum

His Excellency KUNG Phoak Sheds Light on Cambodia’s Foreign Policy at Media Interface Forum

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On the 12th of June, 2024, an influential gathering took place at the Ministry hosted by the Club of Cambodian Journalists (CCJ). The event was centered around a critical and insightful discussion on “Cambodia’s Foreign Policy in the ASEAN Context.” His Excellency KUNG Phoak, holding the esteemed position of Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and serving as the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) Leader for Cambodia, graced the occasion as a distinguished speaker.

The forum served as a significant platform for dialogue, shedding light on Cambodia’s strategic position within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and detailing the foundational aspects of Cambodia’s foreign policy under the guidance of the Royal Government of Cambodia during the 7th legislature of the National Assembly. His Excellency KUNG Phoak meticulously outlined the principles driving Cambodia’s international relations strategy, emphasizing the nation’s commitment to fostering strong and mutually beneficial ties with fellow ASEAN countries and the international community at large.

Throughout the session, His Excellency KUNG Phoak engaged in a comprehensive dialogue with journalists from various media institutions. He fielded questions, providing in-depth responses that illuminated Cambodia’s stances and approaches towards pressing regional and international issues. This interaction not only demonstrated the openness and willingness of the Cambodian government to engage with the media but also ensured that accurate and detailed information about Cambodia’s foreign policy was communicated to the public.

The discourse touched upon several key aspects of Cambodia’s foreign policy, including its efforts to promote peace, stability, and prosperity both within its borders and in the broader ASEAN region. His Excellency highlighted Cambodia’s strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing regional cooperation, addressing shared challenges, and contributing to the sustained development and unity of the ASEAN community.

The media interface forum, thus, presented a valuable opportunity for the exchange of ideas and fostered a deeper understanding of Cambodia’s role and contributions within the ASEAN framework. It underscored Cambodia’s proactive engagement in navigating the complexities of regional politics and its dedication to upholding the principles of peace, cooperation, and mutual respect on the international stage. Through such dialogues, Cambodia continues to affirm its position as an active and responsible member of the ASEAN community, committed to the collective objectives of the region.

Source: MFAIC

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