Home » Cambodia Celebrates Royal Ploughing Ceremony in Chbar Mon City: A Glorious Tradition to Herald the Crop Planting Season

Cambodia Celebrates Royal Ploughing Ceremony in Chbar Mon City: A Glorious Tradition to Herald the Crop Planting Season

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Cambodia is set to celebrate this year’s Royal Ploughing Ceremony in the vibrant Chbar Mon City, Kampong Speu province, on May 26. This deeply rooted tradition marks the beginning of the crop planting season and is a testament to the country’s rich cultural heritage.

His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni, the revered King of Cambodia, will preside over the annual celebration, adding a regal touch to the event. The presence of His Majesty underscores the significance of this age-old ceremony, which holds a special place in the hearts of Cambodians.

The Royal Ploughing Ceremony, known locally as “Bon Chroat Preah Nongkoal,” is a time-honored ritual that signals the start of the rainy season, a critical period for Cambodian farmers. The event is designed to prepare farmers for the upcoming agricultural season and to pray for a prosperous harvest. The ceremony also includes predictions for the year’s rainfall and crop yields, based on the choices made by the royal oxen.

The governor of the host province will assume the role of “King Meak,” guiding the royal oxen as they plow the ceremonial furrow in the Royal Field. His spouse will take on the role of “Queen Mehua,” scattering seeds along the freshly plowed earth. This symbolic act represents the hope and anticipation of a fruitful harvest season.

Senior government officials, members of parliament, and esteemed foreign ambassadors accredited to Cambodia will also attend the ceremony, highlighting its importance on both a national and international scale. Their presence not only honors the tradition but also emphasizes the global recognition of Cambodia’s cultural heritage.

Traditionally, the Royal Ploughing Ceremony is held at Veal Preah Merhu, a public square in front of the National Museum in Phnom Penh. However, since 2013, the celebration has been hosted in various provinces to bring this significant event closer to the rural communities whose lives are intricately tied to agriculture.

In 2023, the ceremony was held in Kampong Svay district of Kampong Thom province, under the royal presidency of His Majesty the King. The tradition continues this year in Kampong Speu province, with hopes high for another successful and bountiful farming season.

As the royal oxen choose from an array of offerings, including paddy, corn, bean, grass, sesame, water, and wine, their preferences will be used to predict the forthcoming agricultural conditions. These predictions are highly anticipated by farmers across the country, as they offer guidance and reassurance for the year’s farming activities.

The Royal Ploughing Ceremony is not just an agricultural event; it is a celebration of Cambodia’s cultural identity and agricultural heritage. It reinforces the country’s connection to its past while looking forward to a prosperous future. This year’s ceremony in Chbar Mon City promises to be a magnificent spectacle, reflecting the unity and resilience of the Cambodian people as they prepare for the planting season ahead.

As the plough cuts through the soil and seeds are scattered with hope and reverence, Cambodia once again embraces its timeless traditions, paving the way for growth and abundance. The Royal Ploughing Ceremony stands as a symbol of the nation’s enduring spirit and its unwavering commitment to preserving its cultural legacy for generations to come.

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