Energetic leaders are passionate, they are enthusiastic, they communicate well, they laugh, they look happy, they look healthy, they motivate and influence others.
One of the foundational elements of genuine leadership is energy, or its DNA, passion. People may not follow a leader who lacks enthusiasm and energy since they can’t successfully and efficiently lead others.
The energy component of leadership supplies the required fuel for the journey of an authentic leader. As an energetic leader, you not only energize yourself and those around you at the beginning of each task you do, but you also attract similarly energized and passionate individuals to yourself while you are working on it.

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet H.E. SAMHENG Boros last Thursday, the youngest minister in the Government of Cambodia who is well educated, energetic, and never tired.
H.E. SAMHENG Boros is Minister attached to the Prime Minister, Royal Government of Cambodia and Chairman of National Social Assistance Fund Board (NSAF) and Secretary of State at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY).
He is a real-life model for leading by example.
When you set an example for your team, you actively display excellence rather than just encouraging it. H.E. SAMHENG Boros is special because of this.

Recently, The Sound Initiative held a panel discussion on creative youth and their role in the community, which was moderated by Dara Huot, Chief Executive Officer, Phare Performing Social Enterprise, H.E. SAMHENG Boros said,
“Keep believing in yourself. The only way that we can inspire an entire nation is to allow everyone’s unlimited potential. If everyone can fulfill their potential, our society will advance just like that. “
His passion for social welfare, desire to strengthen communities, and determination to help people are commendable.

We spent a considerable amount of time discussing The Better Cambodia initiative and how we can both endeavor to make it a credible source of positive news for the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Monks are the world’s happiest, calmest, and most focused people, according to studies conducted over the years. Gamma waves, which are connected to attention, memory, learning, and happiness, were produced in the greatest concentration ever observed in one monk’s brain.
H.E. SAMHENG Boros once lived as a Buddhist monk, which accounts for his increased level of concentration, calmness, and happiness.
Integrity, insight, and inclusiveness towards community development.
H.E. SAMHENG Boros is also attempting to implement Metaverse in schools in Cambodia so that teachers not only develop a more immersive style of learning but also serve as role models for best practices in teaching.

He is highly involved in podcasts and has produced a variety of episodes to guide the youth and society of Cambodia.
H.E. SAMHENG Boros made The Cambodia Futures Lab (Phase 1) work possible with all collaborators.
The lab is a learning initiative to co-create pathways for a prosperous, inclusive and innovative Cambodia to bring stakeholders from government, private sector and civil society and the UN to rethink how cross-sectoral issues of social protection, climate change and digital transformation can be taken into consideration in policy solutions.
Society is transforming. People from Cambodia’s rural communities are bringing honor to the country. These improvements are recognized and supported by H.E. SAMHENG Boros.
He said he wants to visit the Isha center in India and that all he would need is a basic space to sleep with a mat and a pillow, which surprised me at how simple he is.

He also won an Australian award for his commitment to fair society.
For full-time politicians, breaking out from the perception and image cage they have created for themselves may be difficult. Nevertheless, there are particular situations and subjects where politics should be ignored. H.E. SAMHENG Boros totally understands this.
A well-known quote from Sadguru will suffice as my closing remarks,
“Being a leader does not mean dominating the situation. It means empowering people to do what they would not have imagined possible. “
Photo Credit: Sunrethy Kun, Managing Director at M&B Studio KH, Phnom Penh, Cambodia