On the 22nd of January, 2024, the Ministry of Economy and Finance played host to the 6th Inter-ministerial Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting, a significant step in coordinating the development and implementation of the Master Plan for Preah Sihanouk Province’s transformation into a Model Multi-purpose Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Chaired by His Excellency Dr. Phan Phalla, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and Chairman of the TWG, alongside H.E. Chea Kok Hong, Secretariat Director of the TWG, the meeting brought together representatives from 21 line ministries who are members of the TWG.

The primary objective of this gathering was to meticulously review and collect feedback on the final draft of two vital reports: the Main Report and Thematic Report 12: Action Plan, both presented in Khmer language. The aim was to prepare these reports for submission and approval by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC).
The meeting was marked by expressions of profound gratitude and appreciation for the substantial progress and accomplishments made by the TWG over the years. Valuable suggestions were also put forward, including ensuring consistent terminology usage throughout the reports, revising technical terms as necessary, and proposing the inclusion of a table of abbreviations and definitions for key technical terms due to the highly technical nature of the subject matter. Detailed written comments from line ministries were also received and will be duly considered.

Moving forward, the TWG is committed to making further adjustments, particularly regarding technical language usage. However, any substantial requests to alter the content and context of the main reports will be summarized and presented for decision at the forthcoming Inter-ministerial Committee meeting.
His Excellency Dr. Phan Phalla, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and Chairman of the TWG, expressed his gratitude to all participants, both His Excellencies and Her Excellencies, for their active involvement and unwavering determination to propel these critical reports towards approval by the RGC in the near future.